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What do you really want from your business

There's something about the ticking noise that really gets me going, and when I hear that "ding!" at the end, I just feel like celebrating because I know it's over!Excuse water nozzles" I just don't have time. Try this: Block outsome time on your schedule to do your marketing tasks. What are you waiting for? GET TO WORK!!(c) Copyright 2005 Jamila White. I'm too busy dealing with [customers, clients, day job, family, etc.For me, a combination of frankincense and geranium works best.  For a FREE subscription to her "Sell More Online" e-newsletter, go to .

Maybe they'll work for you, too.com. Sound familiar?THE REMEDY:Let me tell you, I'm great at finding little meaningless things to do when I'm dreading a particular task! But I'm going to share three tricks that have really worked for me. TIME IT. If you know that a four-hour "Marketing Monday"-type block of time is just not going to work for you, try it in one-hour increments, four days a week. When I feel my mind wandering, I just get a good whiff of frankincense and geranium, and I'm immediately good to go!If you're too much of a skeptic to try aromatherapy, just pull out a freshly minted $20 bill and inhale the scent of fresh money!So there you have it. Schedule the date and time for it, then get yourself a timer.Excuse Every time I sit down to work on my marketing, I just can't seem to stay focused. PICTURE IT.

My friend Janet Hall, "The Organizing Wizard,"  gave me this tip.Actually, I started doing this myself.Sometimes we get too bogged down with tasks that we lose sight of the big picture.You sit down to work on your web site, all full of gusto and good intentions.You have no more excuses not to turn your web site into the fabulous, cash-generating marketing vehicle that it can be. The shorter time frame will leave a smaller opportunity for you to get distracted.]ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Jamila White, "The E-Commerce Diva", is an Internet Strategist, Web Designer, and E-Commerce instructor in the Washington D. Make thisappointment with yourself, and keep it! Treat it as if it were a hot date with the man or woman of your dreams, or an important meeting with your biggest client.[NOTE: You are welcome to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info at the end and the copyright notice), I've Been studying aromatherapy and creating all-natural products for the past 21/2 years, so I create my own blends.THE REMEDY:You can do the same! It's a matter of priority.

What do you really want from your business? What is it that you're working for? And what will your life look like if you have a thriving, successful business? A certain house or car? More time with your family? A tropical vacation? What does success look like for you? Find a picture that represents your "success" -- cut it out of a magazine or print it off the Internet if you don't have an actual photograph -- and post it at your desk, tape it to your computer, or place it wherever youdo your marketing work. Specifically, oils of basil, geranium, frankincense, lemon, peppermint, and rosemary can be used to improve your ability to focus and concentrate.